
1986  -  1991
84 X 64 cm.

Come with me and understand.
It has a special beauty. Force to outer space, contrast to the color. Intense red that recalls incandescence, fire, blood and wine. Precious dish to many palates.
Basic lines translate a fusion of instruments. Characteristics fundamentals of the building have been transformed by the rich fantasy.
Moved by the dominant power, an unbalanced crank, from truncated arms and test wells make a useless scale.
We tasted a delicious flavor, do you notice?, rotates the shaft and little to little the plate moves, presses the grape and like strands of breath spirits, white, pink and red spring up. These, collected in lower tray, they are distributed under a stopper that will make a hearth.
And as if it were a table, in the great moment of leisure, uncorking following reverse direction.
Exalted animosity, turbulence under an unstable base.
We return, an impassable access prevents your rest break.
Its attraction makes us drunk. Fiction.

MONCHOLC, until today. P. 100
                         Dr. Abad
