Ayuntamiento de Granada

77 X 40 cm.

They are two walls which are defined in arches and windows, between wood and tiles, they are enriched and sufficient for sustain the frantic activity of elected officials free appointment, opposition or four-year vote of the citizens of this great city that was.
The time when this work was disinterested in councilmen and alcaldable, only remains the source, I do not know if with fresh air, yes with a few pots in the attempt to make stay the battered Andalusian patio advertisement, which
Rodents had, that's na!
Nothing to see the fickle behavior of public office with beauty and art.
To stumble with the trunk, they wanted the leaves of their magnolia and the flowers come to our lapel and, intoxicated with aroma, mix with light and water that sounds Andalusia.

           Dr. Abad
